Allred on Cruz Voting No on Bipartisan Israel and Ukraine Package, Says He is “choosing partisan politics over results”

DALLAS — Last night the U.S. Senate approved a bipartisan national security package that included support for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and humanitarian aid. The final vote was 70-29 with Ted Cruz voting no.

“This bipartisan package providing support for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and humanitarian aid is critically important for strengthening our national security and promoting global stability,” said Allred. “But yet again Ted Cruz voted no, choosing partisan politics over real results. We need a Senator who will find common ground and actually get things done.”

Cruz joined Senate Republicans in a successful effort to vote down another version of the bill which included the most substantial bipartisan border security package in years, because it would have, in his words, given “political cover” to Democrats.

Additionally, after saying that the President didn’t need a bill to secure the border, Cruz submitted H.R. 2, an extreme, hardline border bill as an amendment to the foreign aid package.

Allred has long been supportive of humanitarian and foreign aid that will strengthen our national security. He additionally called for comprehensive immigration reform that would secure our border, meet the needs of our economy, and reflect our values as Texans and Americans. He is proud to be a cosponsor of the Dignity Act, a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform package led by El Paso Congresswoman Veronica Escobar.


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