ICYMI: After Decisive Primary Win, Allred Continues Gaining Momentum to Beat Ted Cruz

DALLAS – One week after Colin Allred won the Democratic nomination with a resounding outright victory, momentum continues to build behind Allred’s campaign to defeat Ted Cruz.

Since launching his campaign for the U.S. Senate against Ted Cruz last year, Allred has set fundraising records – raising over $21.5 million through the March primary and garnering support from more than 220,000 individual donors, including contributions from 246 out of 254 Texas counties.

Experts and analysts are lauding Allred’s win, his strong campaign, and polls already show the race between Allred and Cruz is tied.

Here’s what they’re saying:

  • Dallas Morning News“Allred won by a landslide with 59.1% of the vote… Allred has kept his campaign message focused largely on criticism of Cruz, support for abortion rights and sharing his life’s story.”

  • Houston Chronicle“The results indicate Allred’s approach, pitching himself to voters as a pragmatic and bipartisan alternative who has proven he can beat an incumbent Republican, appealed to the state’s Democrats.”

  • Texas Tribune: “Allred attributed his success to his close community ties and bridge-building ability. He proudly touts his endorsements from the AFL-CIO labor union and the pro-business U.S. Chamber of Commerce. More than 70% of bills he’s cosponsored have been bipartisan.”

  • WFAA“Colin Allred is your overwhelming Primary winner and now the Representative of Dallas and Collin county is set for a showdown with Ted in November. Allred brought home 59% of the votes leaving the other candidates far behind.”

  • The New York Times“Mr. Allred, 40, presented himself during the campaign as an across-the-aisle politician with a working-class upbringing who could appeal to a wide range of voters.”

  • The New Republic: “Hopes are rising again this week, after Representative Colin Allred, a former NFL player and civil rights lawyer, captured the Democratic nomination to unseat Senator Ted Cruz.”

Leaders across Texas are throwing their support behind Allred as well. He earned several endorsements in recent days, including elected officials who had endorsed other primary candidates and the backing of Giffords, Dream for America and Brady PAC.

Here’s what Texas leaders are saying about why they’re backing Allred:

  • Beto O’Rourke said: “Colin Allred knows that we can only achieve great things when we unite around our shared values as Texans and as Americans. I’m proud to endorse him and I hope you’ll join me in putting in the work to send him to the Senate.”

  • Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) said: “I’m proud to support my friend and colleague Congressman Colin Allred in his campaign to give families from San Antonio and all across our great state the leadership they deserve.”

  • State Senator Carol Alvarado (Houston) said: “In a time when we’ve lost the fundamental right to choose what happens to our bodies, our freedom to vote is under constant attack and Texans are struggling to make ends meet, we need a U.S. Senator who will fight every single day for Texans. We need Colin Allred.”

  • State Senator José Menéndez (San Antonio) said: “San Antonions need a U.S. Senator who is able to work with their colleagues on all sides to serve the needs of Texas families. Colin Allred has distinguished himself as a commonsense problem solver and I know he will make us proud in the Senate. I am proud to endorse his campaign and make sure we have representation for all Texans!”

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