Allred Earns Endorsement of Tarrant County Leaders Congressman Veasey and Former State House Caucus Chair Turner in Race for U.S. Senate

Fort Worth, TX — Today, Congressman Colin Allred announced that he has earned the endorsement of Tarrant County leaders, Congressman Marc Veasey (TX-33) and former State House Democratic Caucus Chair Chris Turner (HD-101) for his campaign for U.S. Senate. 

Since my first day in Congress, I’ve been proud to work alongside Congressman Veasey and Representative Turner to deliver results for folks across North Texas – and that includes the vibrant and diverse communities in Tarrant County,” said Congressman Allred. “I’m honored to earn their endorsement because they both work day-in and day-out, in Washington and in Austin to improve the lives of hardworking Texas families. Together we are going to build the coalition we need to beat Ted Cruz and give Texas the leadership we need in the U.S. Senate.” 

Statement from Congressman Veasey:

“From his first day in Congress, I have watched Colin fight for Texans and prove that he is a leader we can count on to be there for all of us. I’ve been so proud to work with him to deliver for our region from taking care of our veterans, to making health care more affordable and bringing home key investments in our infrastructure.

“Colin has spent his time in Congress finding common ground and working across the aisle to get things done. Ted Cruz has no interest in doing that hard work. He’d rather find things that divide us than work across the aisle to solve problems and make things better for the Texans we serve.

“I’m proud to endorse my friend and colleague today and can’t wait for him to serve our state in the Senate.”


Statement from State Representative Turner:

“I’m proud to endorse Colin Allred in his race to unseat Ted Cruz and deliver real leadership for 30 million Texans in the U.S. Senate. Colin knows that being a Senator is about serving the Texans who sent you to Washington. Ted Cruz has shown us time and again that he has no interest in governing and won’t be there when we are in crisis.

“From protecting our democracy to protecting Social Security and Medicare, Colin will always do what’s best for our state which is why I’m so excited to be on Team Allred and hope everyone in Tarrant County will join me in rolling up our sleeves to elect Colin.”

Allred has also earned the endorsements of Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and State Senator César Blanco of El Paso, as well as organizations like the Congressional Black Caucus PAC, Foreign Policy for America, American Federation of Government Employees, and End Citizens United // Let America Vote.

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