Allred on Senate Border Deal: Texans Urgently Need Action, Not Cruz’s Cynical Partisan Politics

Dallas, TX — Today, Congressman Colin Allred released the following statement on the Senate’s bipartisan deal to improve border security:

“Texans urgently need action on border security and this bill is a serious opportunity to make real progress on fixing our broken immigration system and giving our border communities the resources they need. But once again, Ted Cruz is choosing cynical partisan politics over doing what’s best for Texas.

“This agreement does not have everything I had hoped for, but it is an important step and I will continue working towards comprehensive reform that includes protections for our Dreamers. Our border communities cannot afford six more years of Ted Cruz.”

Cruz said he opposed the bipartisan border security legislation because it would, in his words, give “political cover” to Democrats.

Allred has long called for comprehensive immigration reform that would secure our border, meet the needs of our economy, and reflect our values as Texans and Americans. He is proud to be a cosponsor of the Dignity Acta bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform package led by El Paso Congresswoman Veronica Escobar.

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